Skin & skin care

cosmeceutical ,Sebum , Exfoliants , Antioxidants , keratinizion , To spritz , Free radicals , Photo aging , Silicone derivatives , DMAE, Microlacerations , Antiseptic , Comedogenic , Hyperpigmentation , TYPES OF SKIN , Toning , The Sunscreen , Anti-acne , Antioxidants , Herbs

facial scrub

What is Face Scrub?
A face scrub is an exfoliation product  specifically designed  for use on the face. The skin on the face is more delicate than skin on other parts of the body. For this reason, it is important to use scrubs marked for use on the face in facial care, some of which may be too harsh for use on the face.

Reasons to use a face scrub
Scrubs work by removing dead skin, leaving behind a layer of younger, healthier skin behind.
Regular use of an exfoliant can keep skin smooth and glowing, by constantly exposing new skin.
 Use of a face scrub can also remove lingering facial makeup which may not have been totally cleaned earlier.

General Scrub Procedure

Tie your hair back.

Wash your face.

To open pores, steam face over hot water or press warm cloth to skin for a few minutes.

After preparing scrub, apply it to face (and neck if desired). Avoid eye area.

Rinse off with warm water.

Note: The scrubs listed work for all skin types, unless stated otherwise.

Oatmeal Scrub

A stimulating, thoroughly cleansing 3-in-1 scrub.Smooths, tones, and hydrates the skin.

1 Tbsp. ground oatmeal

1 tsp. lemon juice

2 tsp. yogurt

Combine and apply. Use once or twice a week

Honey Sugar Scrub

1 tsp. of honey

1/2 tsp. of sugar

Blend in bowl. Apply. Use once or twice a week

Facial Scrub (Good for blackheads)

* 1 part baking soda

* 1 part water

Mix together into a paste. Gently scrub blackheads for 2 to 3 minutes. Rinse off. Use once or twice a week

Combine a teaspoon of baking soda and half teaspoon of sea salt. The baking soda polishes the skin and the sea salt will scrub.Apply it on the face. You will get a baby smooth skin with a definite glow.

Lemonsugar Face Scrub


Lemon juice - 2 Tablespoons

Sugar - 2 Tablespoons)

A touch of Olive Oil


Mix Lemon juice, Sugar and Olive Oil together to make a paste.

Gently rub/massage on face and neck.




1/4 cup Plain yogurt

1/4 cup Walnuts (finely grounded)

Mix all the ingredients together.

How to apply

First the skin.

Gently work the scrub into the skin.

After 20 minutes rinse off with warm water.

Honey Almond Facial Scrub:

Prepare two table spoon of almonds paste, and then mix it with a table spoon of honey and a tea spoon of  lime juice.Massage this scrub on your face and neck slowly, after 10 minutes wash it with

Banana & Honey Facial Scrub:

Smash  a ripe banana and then add two table spoon of sour cream and a small quantity of honey to it.Apply this paste on your face and neck, after 15 minutes wash your face with lukewarm water.
Gram flour  and moong dal scrub
one tsp gram flour and one tsp moong dal. Use milk and rose water for binding.Mix all these ingredients. First wet your skin and then gently scrub it with circular motions. Wash it off with water.

Oatmeal Scrub
Take a Tbsp of Oatmeal and a slice of ripe Papaya and mix them in a blender throughly. Apply a layer on your face and when it is partly dry rub your face in a circular motion with sugar. This will act as a scrub. Leave it for 15 to 20 mins. Then wash your face with luke warm water.

1)For Oily:Mix 1 cup kadalai maavu (Gram flour) with 1 tsp Manjal (Turmeric) in a bottle.Take a spoonful of the mix and make a paste with water or yogurt and apply on you skin to scrub.If your skin is dry, use milk instead of water.

2For scrubbing effect fine granules like sugar or rava can be added to milk, lemon+honey mixture or curd.

3)1 spoon of sugar ,1 spoon olive oil / almond oil / butter.
Mix this scrub and apply all over the face and do it in the circular motion.


The Antioxidants


1)Blueberries: Blueberries is one of the best choices to include in a healthy diet. Considered a "super fruit," and one of the best antioxidant fruits, blueberries are full of disease fighting and anti-aging qualities.
Blueberries can help reverse age related and physical decline.

2)The Raspberry or Red Raspberry produces a tart, red fruit in summer or early autumn. Raspberries are made up of numerous druplets that exist around a central piece.The versatile red raspberry is loaded with vitamin C and many potent antioxidants.

3)Cranberry is a small red fruit with loads of health benefits for the organism.It has anti-cancerous properties; cranberries are very rich in clorogenic acid, which has anti cancerous properties.


Tips: Stir berries into vanilla yogurt, add them to salads, or dress up sliced strawberries with a little honey.

b)BROCCOLI : Broccoli also contains other protective constituents like beta-carotene, which can help prevent cancer and heart disease.

Tips: cooked, chilled broccoli with roasted pepper strips


Tips: Add sundried tomatoes to mashed potatoes, or slice and toss pepper.



Tips :Puree roasted peppers with garlic for a fast sauce

f)SPINACH : This nutrient-dense leafy green is a great source of beta-carotene and lutein, which protects the eyes.





k)Wild salmon: A prime source for omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce skin inflammation, preventing redness, wrinkles, and loss of firmness. It’s also potent in antioxidants and vitamins B and D.

l)Kiwifruit: Another good source of antioxidants, kiwis are also a great source of vitamin C and potassium, all which help prevent wrinkles.

m)Sweet potatoes:  keeps skin smooth and is thought to protect against sun damage.

n) Walnuts: A key source of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E. The omega-3s found in walnuts also help fight against skin ailments like psoriasis and eczema.

o)Oysters: The best source of zinc, period. Zinc helps build collagen, which supports the structure of skin and speeds up renewal and repair.

p)Kiwifruit: Another good source of antioxidants, kiwis are also a great source of vitamin C and potassium, all which help prevent wrinkles.
q)Dark chocolate: Full of antioxidants and nutrients, cocoa  increases blood flow to the skin, which in turn boosts hydration, smoothness, and protection against sun exposure.

Skin—the Wonder Organ

No Blame Game

You can blame genetics for the quality of your skin ,but the blame only goes so far. No matter what type of skin you inherited, you can still have great and enviable skin.

Know them first- the basics
cosmeceutical is a bioactive skin care ingredient that actually alters the skin and its underlying health. Examples of cosmeceuticals-green tea.

Sebum a semifluid secretion of the sebaceous glands, consisting chiefly of keratin,fat, and cellular material.

Exfoliants skin care products that break down and remove dead
skin cells that build up and cover up the newer skin underneath.

Antioxidants chemicals that neutralize free radicals that cause
damage to the body and skin

Enzymes supplements that aid in digestion.Example Papaya contains the enzyme papain.These same enzymes, when used on the face,break down dead skin cells and other cellular waste. Leaving a brightened complexion.

keratinizion Skin becomes keratinized when dead skin cells build
up and cover the newer skin underneath, leading to blemishes and dull skin.

To spritz to spray the toner on your face.

Slip the sensation that the skin is smooth. Slip lets you apply foundation easily, allowing it to glide on smoothly and evenly.

Nutrient dense refers to skin products that contain a high concentration of added vitamins,minerals, and antioxidants. They nourish the skin and provide added protection from free radicals.

Free radicals highly active chemicals in the body. They are created from many metabolic processes and also from inflammation and sun damage. They contain one or more unpaired electrons and scavenge, or steal, electrons from other molecules,thus damaging those molecules.

Noncomedogenic indicates a type of skin care product that will not promote the formation of blackheads and whiteheads and won’t cause breakouts.Example lanolin.

Photo aging is a term that refers to skin damage from the sun.

Silicone derivatives asubstance in moisturizers that sit on the surface of the skin and lock in moisture without clogging pores and causing breakouts. They also give the skin a soft and smooth texture.

DMAE is dimethylamin-oethanol, a powerful antioxidant which occurs
naturally in fish and fish oil.DMAE is beneficial in reversing the effects of skin aging, such as wrinkles and sagging. It stimulates the muscles to contract and tighten under your skin. DMAE is used both topically and internally.

Microlacerations miniscule or tiny tears or scrapes on the surface of the skin ,caused by using physical exfoliants that are too harsh, such as ground-up nutshells, buff puffs, or loofahs, and especially when using physical exfoliants.

Antiseptic A product is said to be antiseptic if it inhibits the growth and reproduction of diseasecausing microorganisms. Alcohol is antiseptic.

Synergistically means that the combined interaction of the three
products—cleanser, toner, and moisturizer—is greater than the sum of their effects individually.

Comedogenic means that a product promotes clogged pores, which lead to whiteheads, blackheads, and breakouts.

Emulsifier An emulsifier is a substance that helps keep oils and liquids in suspension to prevent separation of the ingredients. Without the benefits of emulsifiers, products would separate and couldn’t clean your face.

Hydroquinone is a prescription-only topical medication that is used as an antioxidant and skin lightener.

SPF means Sun Protection Factor. All sunscreens are currently labeled with an SPF that lets you know how long you can stay in the sun before burning.

skin care line A term referring to a brand’s skin care products. This is a common usage in the skin care industry.

Milia are small, whitish,hard, pearl-like bumps in the skin due to retention of sebum.Another name for milia is whiteheads.

Allantion is a derivative of uric acid that is soothing and calming to the skin.

diuretic a food,beverage, herb, or drug that causes the body to increase the output of urine, thus drawing moisture from the cells and leaving the body with a reduced water content.

Melanocytes the cells that produce the pigment melanin. This pigment colors our skin, hair, and eyes. Melanin is heavily concentrated in skin moles.

Hyperpigmentation is the overproduction of melanin from the melanocytes. Hypopigmentation is the failure of melanocytes to produce melanin.

Cold-expeller pressed oils are oils that are extracted from the vegetables without heat. Most other vegetables oils available in the stores, such
as canola and corn oils, are heat extracted. Purchase only cold-expeller pressed vegetable oils because they don’t contain trans-fatty acids.

The T-Zone

It is the Zone in the face which is most oily zone that includes your forehead, nose, and chin. Imagine drawing a line across your forehead. Then draw another line from your nose to your chin. This is your T-zone.

The T-Zone is oilier than the rest of your face because it has a higher percentage of oil glands. These areas tend have a higher tendency toward blackheads, whiteheads, irritation, redness, and sunburn.


Normal skin

Dry skin

Oily skin

Combination skin

Sensitive skin

Normal skin

Normal skin has a smooth texture and small- to medium-sized pores.
Doesn’t require lots of special treatments.
Doesn’t react dramatically,to environmental conditions, such as allergens.
It is considered to be the ideal skin.

Dry skin

Visible dryness and flaking.
Some areas on the face may be tight and pulling.

Oily skin

Since the skin is thick,it doesn’t wrinkle much with age.
The skin develops shiny patches a few hours after washing.
Oiliness in one way is better because it ultimately keeps your skin young and supple as you get older.

Sensitive skin

Sensitive skin is thin skin.
With aging, it develops fine-line wrinkles.

Combination skin

Characterized by an oily “T-zone” area, which covers the forehead, nose and chin.
While the skin around the cheeks, eyes and mouth is normal or dry.

Two type

The Intake - Internal treatments

The applicants - external treatments

The Intake - Internal treatments

Include what you eat, how you exercise, and any supplements you take.

The applicants - external treatments

These are a wide range of skin products

Daily basics-Daily Cleansing Ritual

Follow this simple daily for mantra for clear , young skin.

Wash, Tone, Moisturize

1.washing simply makes sense

Washing detoxify and thus purify skin
It is ideal to wash twice a day
In the evening/before going to bed, wash your face again to remove the day’s buildup of dust, environmental pollution,sweat , and skin secretions.
Washing prepares your skin for the application of moisturizers or sunscreens

What can i wash my face with?

You can wash you face with bar soaps, gel cleaners, or lotions.
Today most of the face cleansers today are pH balanced to assist your skin in maintaining the ideal acid/alkaline pH balance of 4.5 to 5.


Why shuold I tone?
The purpose of toning is to restore and balance the skin’s pH.

How do I tone my Skin?
There are different application methods for toner.

The 3 most common meathods are

To apply
To spritz
To splash

To apply

Always apply with a clean pure-cotton pad.

To spritz

Hold the spray bottle about 12 to 14 inches from your face, close your eyes, and spritz your face 2 or 3 times.


This is the final step of your Daily Cleansing Ritual
A good moisturizer your skin hydrated.

How to choose a suitable Moisturizer?

Simple ! It depends on the geography and climate where you live.

Use a heavier moisturizer If you live in a dry environment or cold regions.

Use a light moisturizer if you reside in a average to high humidity region.

The Last touch.

The Sunscreen

The most important thing you have can do to apply it in the morning and then reapply again later in the day and especially before you go out into the sun for longer than 15- 20 minutes.

Aways get a sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher.

Types of sunscreens

Chemical sunscreens
Barrier sunscreens

Chemical sunscreens
A chemical sunscreen is absorbed by skin over two or three hours and hence needed to be reapplied before noon, and then again in the late afternoon.

Chemical sunscreens allow the sun to reach the surface of the skin while using chemicals to prevent penetration.

Barrier sunscreen

A barrier sunscreen last longer than chemical sunscreens hence you may only need to reapply once a day.

Barrier sunscreen contains titanium dioxide or zinc oxide which sit on the surface of the skin and prevent the sun’s rays from ever reaching the skin.

For best result

1.Apply 15-20 minutes before going out in the sun and again after 15-20 minutes of sun.
2.Apply more on your nose. since That’s where most people develop sun-related skin cancers.
3.Reapply every two hours.
4.Waterproof sunscreens last for 80 minutes in water.Hence need to be reapplied swimming.
5.Water-resistant sunscreens last for 40 minutes.
6.Apply sunscreen before you apply foundation.

Choose your Skin Care Products

There are so many products, so many skin care lines. So a person know should where to start, what to buy?

Cosmetics and Cosmeceuticals

Cosmetics don’t actually change the skin, but they add moisture and help make your skin look good.

Cosmeceuticals are substance that can truly change your skin.

Uncover the ingredients in your cosmetics


Abrasives are exfoliating scrubs
They are classified as cosmetics.
Example Product that Includes finely ground corn meal, ground walnut husks,polyurethane or silicone beads,and oatmeal.


Adjusters are cosmetics that adjust the attributes of the product.
They can can used to adjust the pH balance, other are used to thicken or Dilute the products.
Example Product that beeswax, SD alcohol, carbamer 40, and paraffin.


These cosmeceuticals reduce inflammation in damaged skin.
Example Product that Includes aloe, chamomile, grape-seed extract,vitamins, and raspberry leaf.

Anti-acne ingredients

These cosmeceuticals can kill off Propionibacterium acnes , the bacteria that causes acne.
Example Product that Includes benzoyl peroxide, tea tree oil, camphor, sulfur, and salicylic acid.


Cosmeceuticals that are used as both preservatives and as skin treatments.
The antioxidants neutralize the free radicals in naturalon the skin.
They can reduce sun damage and skin aging.
Antioxidants include vitamins A, D, and E.


Alcohols are used primarily in toners for oily skin.

SD alcohol is used as a Diluting agent for skin products, and it also remove oil from the skin.

SD alcohol is noncomedogenic agent.

Isopropyl alcohol is drying and comedogenic.

Benzyl alcohol is useful as an anti-inflammatory on skin care products.

These cosmetics have no relationship skin care product.
They give the product an appealing color.


Cosmetics that prevent moisture in the skin from evaporating thereby prevent skin from becoming dry.
Emollients include silicone, mineral oil, petrolatum, lanolin, hyaluronic acid, and shea butter.


Emulsifiers are cosmetics that enables to put oil into solution, so emulsifiers
are included in skin care products that have both water-based ingredients and
oil-based ingredients.
Cleansers often contain emulsifiers that are surfactants, such as sodium laurel sulfate or polysorbate 20, which give a foaming action to the product that helps “capture” oils and remove them from the skin.

cosmeceuticals mostly derived from plants, such as papaya, pineapple,etc ,they’re used as exfoliants.

A cosmetic used to mask the odor of a skin care product.
Almost all skin care carry the labels “fragrance” in the ingredients ,but don’t give specifics.

Herbs are cosmeceuticals used to change skin in a variety of ways.
For example,while green tea is used as an antioxidant.

Cosmetics that draw moisture to the skin.
Examples Glycerine,honey, urea, propylene glycol, NAPCA, lactic acid and witch hazel.

Cosmetics that helps to retains moisture in the skin.
Examples Silicones, petrolatum,zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, and mineral oil

Preservatives and stabilizers

cosmetics that aids in extending the shelf life of the products
Examples product that Includes parabens and polysorbate 80.

Skin lighteners.

Cosmeceuticals added in skin products specifically marketed as skin lighteners.

Example product that includes licorice, raspberry, mushroom extract, hydroquinone , and vitamin C.

Cosmeceuticals used to protect skin from the UVA and UVB rays of the sun.
These include zinc oxide , titanium dioxide,avobenzone, paba, ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate, parsol,and ethylhexyl salicylate

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